
Updates on scheduled artwork, thoughts on the creation of artwork, conventions. Also, just random rambling.

  • It’s new!

    It’s new!


    Finally it’s done. A lot of work has been going on behind the scenes of this website and I’m so happy to announce it’s finished! The aim was to make the navigation easier and to create more room for what this site was made for: the artwork. If you know the old website, you will…

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  • Convention Time ahead! Comic Con and FedCon May 2024

    Convention Time ahead! Comic Con and FedCon May 2024


    It’s that wonderful time of the year again… temperatures are rising, flowers are blooming and cosplayers are looking at their wardrobes, wondering what to wear this season! The first weekend of May will see the continuation of the successful German Film & Comic Con in Dortmund and of course the Verlag in Farbe und Bunt…

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  • Coming Soon! German Film Comic Con ’23 in Dortmund

    Coming Soon! German Film Comic Con ’23 in Dortmund


    Meet me at Dortmund: The German Film Comic Con!

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  • Unexpected Things

    Unexpected Things


    Unexpected 1: Broke my leg a couple of weeks ago and still can’t walk properly. But the doctor says it’s healing fine so I just have to be patient. These are the dangers of taking the dog out for a walk. On the upside, I got to be very productive knitting-wise because I couldn’t do…

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  • Updates: New book covers incoming!

    Updates: New book covers incoming!


    What’s new? Actually, there are new things to report. Good things, at that. But let’s start with the not-quite-so-good news: I decided to switch off the subdomain that I had been building for Hive 53 for several years. It’s been sitting there, doing nothing, and I myself have been sitting there, doing nothing to change…

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  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!


    Honest thoughts about artblock and why it’s so uncomfortable to talk about it. What society expects of us and why wasting time is important

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  • Stargate Advent Calendar 2020

    Stargate Advent Calendar 2020


    Another year, another advent calendar! Hosted again by the fabulous atlantisdesetoiles on deviantArt.

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  • Long time without an update, crazy times!

    Long time without an update, crazy times!

    What a crazy year so far! I hope everybody is safe is healthy. Needless to say, art has fallen very short this year. But still, it’s about time things move forward again. Taking this day as an opportunity to kick myself in the rear end and get working. Why this day? Because it’s Hive 53‘s…

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  • Another year already?

    Another year already?

    Wow, it’s already been another year since the last anniversary of Hive 53. o.O And even though I don’t have anything spectacular to share for it, I can’t let this day go by unnoticed. It’s been quiet since I don’t do frequent comic pages anymore but rest assured, behind the scenes, the work continues. To…

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  • September Update

    September Update


    A quick sign of life – I just noticed that the last entry is from June! I’m fine so far although art progress has been very slow the last months. I have no excuses for this, it’s a combination of art block and a wonderful lazyness. It still feels kinda good, being without pressure of…

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