A wild mixture of stories, both long and short, for your perusal. Please note that some of my stories are written for an adult audience and contain topics not suitable for children. All stories are labeled according to their rating.

Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction
Wraith-centered fanfiction about life on hiveships and social implications of Wraith-human co-existence.
Fir Sprigs and Holly Leaves
Rating: PG | Christmas one-shot. Features Kala and Rees, the OC protagonists of my fanfic Wraith Games. Even the most dedicated Wraith worshipper will never forget her human roots.
Wraith Games (external link to
Rating: NC-17 | Multi-chapter. Romance on a hiveship. Contains Wraith, worshippers and a rudimentary plot to bridge the gaps in between the romance bits, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Revelation (external link to
Rating: NC-17 | One-shot. When a delegation of gods arrives at her temple, a naïve young Wraith worshipper gets into a situation that leads her to question her beliefs.

WWA short stories
Also into the category Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction falls this series of shorts I wrote between 2009 and 2012. I was part of a Wraith-centered online Role Playing Game then, called Wraith Worshippers Anonymous, or short WWA. As things go, people drift apart over time, so the actual RPG is not active anymore. Yet I’d like to conserve its complex mythology that was crafted by the highly creative members.
WWA glossary
Rating: PG | You don’t have to be a member of the game to understand the plot, yet for the more exotic concepts of the background story, this glossary may be helpful.
Vincent’s Holiday
Rating: PG | Vincent returns to Boris’ hive after a long while and gets accustomed to the crew. But is he hiding something?
Exploring the galaxy
Rating: PG | Being a curious soul, Vincent decides to go exploring and discovers someone who surprises him.
After the snowball fight
Rating: PG | (Takes place after Exploring the galaxy) After visiting the Wraith and worshippers of Vincent’s hive, Chaya returns to her home world.
Practice makes perfect
Rating: PG | When DS and Tommy are on an expedition for a couple of days, Rhys searches for a useful pastime.
Days like today
Rating: PG | A worshipper’s life can be stressful when her two Wraith won’t stop squabbling. Even a relaxed day at the beach doesn’t help.

Hive 53 logs, diaries and more
Ever wondered what the inhabitans of Hive 53 write into their diaries? Now’s your chance to find out.
Commander Castox: Logbook 1
Rating: PG | It’s not easy, being the commander of this hive.
Queen Silla’s Diary
Rating: PG | The thoughts that a mighty queen of a mighty hive needs to preserve for Wraithkind.
Fillyz’s Diary 1
Rating: PG | Being a human on a hiveship isn’t easy as well.
Commander Castox: Logbook 2
Rating: PG | Nope, still not easy, being the commander of this hive.
Skin’s Diary
Rating: PG | The hive’s resident emo musing on the reasons why he’s so sad often.
Fillyz’s Diary 2: Planet of the Pigs
Rating: PG | A planetary mission of mishap and lasting smell.
Meet the crew
All about the hive’s inhabitants. A short summary of the characters.
Hive 53 – FAQ
Frequently asked questions. How dit it all start? Where’s it going?
Locations of the hive
Learn to find your way about the ship.
Turning Point | Rating: PG
Fantasy one-shot written for the Winter Writing Challenge on the former adoptables site Valley of Unicorns. Contains Horses. Lots of them.