I hope everybody has had a good start into the new year 2025. May it be filled with all the good things you need in your life and bring you joy!
For me, the holidays were a time to slow down and reflect on what 2024 meant to me. And, of course, the holidays also involved an unreasonable amount of good food and laziness.
Looking back, 2024 was an eventful year with many conventions and new book covers and illustrations. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting my colleagues and chatting at the Comic Con Spring Edition, FedCon and Magic Con; and I hope we’ll have many more conventions together this coming year.
And of course there was all the work I put into reworking this website. I learned a lot about webdesign and SEO in the process and am rather happy with how it turned out. I’m not so happy with the increased amount of spam I receive since I returned the comment and contact forms to the website but I guess that’s life.
So, what’s to come in 2025?
I hesitate to make any promises because I don’t want to let anybody down. But there’s a slim chance that a certain hiveship crew may make a reappearance. Then, there’ll be other artwork, of course. Let’s see what kind of commissions this year will bring as well.
The ongoing series of blog posts concerning living with ADHD as a late diagnosed adult will also continue. I already have a list of topics that I will cover in future blog articles. If you have any suggestions for this list, please let me know by commenting below or sending an email!
Thanks for reading and take care!
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