Queen Silla

Her Majesty, Queen Silla, Mistress of the Hive and Dominator of Life and Death to all thereon. Her favourite pastime is reading women magazines about modern lifestyle and beauty. Thus, she devotes much of her time to beautify herself and the interior of her hive ship. This passion for styling is not shared by most of her crew and is the cause for much grumbling and occasional eye-rolling among the more conservative men.
Silla has a character sheet

Commander Castox
He is convinced that he’s the brightest head on board of Hive 53, and indeed he probably is. At least among the Wraith. He is also convinced to be the greatest gift the women of Pegasus ever received and is determined to make close personal acquaintance with whichever attractive woman crosses his way – be it Wraith or human. He can be quite charming if he wants to, but sooner or later his machismo and ego take over. This has gotten him into considerable trouble in the past, though it has gotten better since the arrival of Fillyz – he no longer gets into trouble with whole planetary populations but rather only with his feisty worshipper.
Castox has a character sheet


Also called “Mad” for short. This is not only a nickname but an apt description of his flying style. He is probably the best (Wraith) pilot in the galaxy and can fly anything ranging in size from a dart to the biggest super-hive. Despite being growly and monosyllabic, he’s a softie at heart. The only skill that matches his piloting abilities is his keen handling of knitting needles. He’s a master of sock yarn and bobble hats.

Level-headed and usually good-humored Phras is often the mediator when there is quarreling on the hive. He can be a fighter when the circumstances require some action, but he prefers to slip quietly out of the back door when there’s trouble afoot. His one big passion is feeding – pardon, eating. He loves human food and will eat a pizza with as much pleasure as he will feed on a tasty human.


His ultimate goal would be becoming a vegetarian if only it was possible. His kind and soft nature often interferes with his life as a Wraith, so he tends to feed only on humans who have suicidal tendencies anyway and don’t really mind leaving this world. By feeding on them, however, he absorbs their gloominess, which makes him feel even worse.
Skin has a character sheet

would be the smartest Wraith scientist Pegasus galaxy has ever known, if only he didn’t have the knack of making stuff go boom in a spectacular fashion, often damaging the hive and nearby crew members in the process. He’s an allround genius – whatever area of expertise he turns his attention to, be it chemistry or physics, it will most likely go up in a brightly-coloured display of light and flames. He’s usually amiable to have around, though you might want to have a safety distance between yourself and him.


Not exactly your traditional Wraith worshipper, she came to the hive not voluntarily. And even less voluntarily became bonded to Castox, though the dislike is mutual. Under her tough and feisty surface, she has soft spot for the whacky hive and its inhabitants, but it would be very unwise to say that to her face.
Fillyz has a character sheet

If you open a dictionary at W -> “Wraith Worshipper” you will most likely find a picture of either Naya or Odette. Naya claims it’s her religious duty to worship Wraith as often as possible. A cirumstance that happily coincides with Tox’s ambition to get worshipped as often as possible. She really takes her religion quite seriously and prefers to live on a hiveship rather than solely among humans.


Odette also takes her religious worshipping duties serious but not quite as serious as Naya. She rather tags along for the fun. She shares a common hobby with Mad, they both love cooking. But where Mad has more of an experimental approach, Odette prefers getting edible results.

The most senior staff member among the worshippers, her long experience with strange things happening on the hive has left her with
an unshakeable countenance, knowing that whatever the day brings – ranging from spontaneous hyperdrive failure to unforeseen explosions in the lab or weird creatures roaming the corridors (including some of the Wraith) – there’s nothing she hasn’t seen yet. Before she
comfortably ended up on Hive 53 and decided to make her home on it, she has been to a couple of other hives, mostly quite conservative ones,
and whole-heartedly states that she will never return to such a hive.

The Hive’s animal residents
The bugs

A screwdriver is missing in the lab? The cooking pan wandered off, apparently on it’s own, the hairbrush isn’t on the shelf anymore? The missing times most likely found their way to the iratus bugs’ treasure hoard. The four-legged critters can be glimpsed all about the hive, pursuing all kind sof unusual activities or stealing cookies and shiny things. It’s not clear from which planet they came or who brought them (against the rule) to the hive but a common theory is, they followed Skin home from a planetary mission and have thrived since then.

How does a goat horse live on a hiveship? Well, apparently quite good. There’s a roster for feeding him and mucking out his quarters. Since he is allowed to roam more or less free, he gets quite a lot of exercise. More than his family who live in stables on various planets. Walter has figured out how to use the lifts so be prepared to meet him literally anywhere on the hive.
The events that led to Walter’s assimilation can be found in chapter 2 of the hive’s chronicles.

Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
New to Hive 53? There’s a whole multi-chapter webcomic available.
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