Kaleesh warhorse watercolour illustration

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Kaleesh warhorse watercolour illustration

My interpretation of a Kaleesh warhorse, watercolour illustration, originally published 2006. Done during my Star Wars Kaleesh obsession period. There’s also my webcomic from that time, Grievous Life, which is still available at deviantArt if you’re interested.

I was very into Star Wars episodes I to III when they appeared in the early 2000 years. I know all the reasons why these episodes are not as popular as the rest. And I can acknowledge all of them. Nevertheless I found it worthwhile to dig deeper into the underlying lore and read the accompanying novels. In my opinion, these episodes were an ambitious try to tell a deeply political story in the Star Wars universe; something remininding of Dune. And obviously, this wasn’t well received in the community.

For a number of reasons I won’t repeat here (because they have all been discussed ad nauseam in the web) the movies didn’t do the concept justice. And the concept itself was too far away from what people expected of Star Wars. That’s just my two cents.

Old piece originally published on deviantArt. I’m in the process of bringing these over here because I no longer upload content on dA and have put my gallery there in storage. In the next weeks these older pieces will appear here, mixed with newer stuff.


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