Star Wars fanart, the Kaleesh species in battle
Traditionally inked on paper, coloured in Photoshop
Originally published in 2007
This was a contribution for a contest in the fangroup Kaleesh Club. It’s a battle between the Kaleesh and the Yam’rii called Huk. The Kaleesh warrior in front is Ronderu lij Kummar, sister of Qymaen jai Sheelal. This is one of the first battles when the Kaleesh finally succeed in driving the Huk back after years and years of fruitless effort. It’s shortly after Qymaen and Ronderu were reunited. Together they turned the tide of the Huk war in giving their troops new hope and a good strategy.
Done during my Star Wars Kaleesh obsession period. There’s also my webcomic from that time, Grievous Life, which is still available at deviantArt if you’re interested.
Disclaimer: The copyright for the Kaleesh and Huk species is owned by Disney/Lucasfilm
Old piece originally published on deviantArt. I’m in the process of bringing these over here because I no longer upload content on dA and have put my gallery there in storage. In the next weeks these older pieces will appear here, mixed with newer stuff.
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