Done in watercolours, tweaked in PS, lettering in PS.
Copyright Stargate Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM Television
Copyright Hive 53 -> Me
Because I got asked why Christmas is celebrated in Pegasus Galaxy although Jesus never set foot there, here’s the explanation. Jesus neither stargated there nor did he ascend to go there. Christmas is celebrated among some (not all) of the human civilisations of Pegasus. There are many different Christmas traditions, varying from planet to planet. Its date is determined by the UASC (Universal Ancient Standard Calendar. The calendar was established around the same time as the general use of English language in Pegasus galaxy).
The name itself is derived from the mythological Ancient “Crys” who was rumoured to have invented the first ZPM. “Mas” is a pidgin abbreviation of the Ancient word “amassandare” meaning “celebrating”. So Christmas is the celebration of the invention of the first ZPM, Crys being a “bringer of light” to the Ancients. Of course the real meaning of this has been lost in the millenia and some of the Pegasus Christmas customs are slightly unsettling. For example on the planet of Erthlongwl it is custom to put a life weasel in your trousers to wake up the Spirit of the Dance on Christmas.
The decoration of trees is known on most planets. It symbolises wealth and is supposed to attract the Spirits of Fortune and Happiness. It is also tradition to exchange gifts as a means to show off your wealth or your emotional bond to the receiver.
The mistletoe is a rare example of genuine Ancient tradition, back in the time before the Ancients became the reserved, arrogant top-dogs of the galaxy we all know and love they actually enjoyed kissing each other.
The Wraith are only celebrating Christmas because of their human worshippers who wouldn’t stop whining about it.
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
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