This image is from the Wraith Advent Calendar 2012. It was displayed if somebody wanted to cheat and tried to open a day that wasn’t yet active. Since eventually all 24 days were published, the cheater page disappeared. Well, here it is back.
The Wraith Advent Calendar Project came to life in 2010 as a group project with contributors from many sites all around the internet. It was coordinated, coded and assembled by yours truly. It was published in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Made possible with the wonderful support and fabulous contributions from kind people of all ages and artistic disciplines.
The calendar pages from 2012 are still accessible for your perusal. Go ahead and have a look! You can also access the versions from 2010 | 2011 and 2013.

Old piece originally published on deviantArt. I’m in the process of bringing these over here because I no longer upload content on dA and have put my gallery there in storage. In the next weeks these older pieces will appear here, mixed with newer stuff.
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