Hive 53 Chapter 3 page 3

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Panel 1
Castox: This territory is owned by Queen Silla, I am the commander of her hive. Who are you?

Panel 2
Enemy Commander: We are the ones holding the weapons, that is all you need to know.

Panel 3
Teyla: I sense several presences together and close by.
John: They could be enjoying a perfectly peaceful football match with each other but somehow I doubt that.
Rodney: I suggest we leave, this way is clear.

Panel 4
Fillyz: This is serious trouble.
Castox: Imagine, I already noticed that. Let’s try again, this time politely: Greetings, brother.

Panel 5
Enemy commander: You are not our brothers, you are food.
Castox: Excuse me?
Enemy commander: You have been declared dish of the day by decree of six queens. And now you will tell me where your hive is.

Panel 6
Castox: Are you mad?!
Mad: Grrrrrrrrrowwwl.
Castox: Sorry, Mad.
First you tell us we’re food and then you expect me to tell you the position of my ship? What kind of idiot do you think I am?!

Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
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