I haven’t managed to keep drama out of my story! Sorry about that but I thought a bit of Fillyz’s background story might help understand her character more. As you already know she didn’t come vonluntarily to the hive but her past life among humans wasn’t an easy one so it was almost an improvement to get culled. Almost.
In time she arranged her life around being a non-worshipping worshipper and finds it quite convenient now to have a relatively safe place to stay and not having to worry where the next meal might come from. Anyone interested in how she came to be Tox’s worshipper?
Transcript available below
Click to expand transcript
Panel 1
Fillyz: Are you accusing my ancestors of being promiscuous? That’s a serious insult!
Panel 2
Castox: I was just imagining what a good match we could be if only you’d agree to enhance our relationship.
Panel 3
Fillyz: I know your idea of enhancement. Absolutely no! Besides the major fact that I loathe you there’s the age difference. You’re about five thousand years older than me. You could be my great-great-great-and-so-on-grandfather.
Castox: But your age in years of sarcasm equals mine. And your age in ruthlessness and cruelty is fit to put any Wraith to shame. Unusual for a human.
Panel 4
Fillyz: Do you really think humans are usually less cruel?
Panel 5
Fillyz: The really cruel things in my life were all done by humans. It was humans like those thugs who burned down my home and killed my parents when I was four. Other humans forced me to steal and do worse things to earn a living.
Castox: I didn’t know that.
Fillyz: Don’t tell me that bothers you.
Panel 6
Fillyz: Since when do you care about my inner life? The only thing you’re interested in is my outer appearance and how to use it for your own welfare.
Panel 7
Castox: That actually hurt. I’m not that superficial. I need to know you. After all, we’re going to spend the rest of your life together.
Panel 8
Fillyz: Don’t remind me! Another dark cloud in the weather forecast of my life!
Castox: Sometimes I think it would be easier to kill her and take the punishment. Girls, take those humans to the ship. Fillyz and I will scout another village. Maybe we can squeeze some more prey out of this exhausted world.
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
Got here by accident and looking for page 1? -> Start reading here (chapter 2) or here (chapter 1).

Stargate: Atlantis further reading, links and resources
- WraithHiveship: Wraith artwork and literature community on deviantART.
- GateWorld: One of the best sources for everything Stargate.
- Wraith Defenders Club Project: Collection of links to Stargate actors’ websites and interesting blogs, includes a Wraith name list as compiled by members of the Wraith Defenders Club.
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