I had a bit of a problem. More an ethical dilemma actually. I’ve created a hungry bunch of Wraith and no idea how to keep them alive. Can you imagine a bunch of Wraith clamoring in your mind about them being hungry and it’s your damn problem so go and do something about it! If you can imagine that then welcome on my side of insanity! Seems I’m responsible for them and since I’ve gotten quite used to them by now so here you go, boys: dinner.
I guess it’s alright to throw the random unpleasant victim to them for the sake of storytelling.
Transcript available below
Click to expand transcript
Panel 1
Thug 1. It’s a trap!
Panel 2
Thug 1: Traitor!
Fillyz: Uh-oh!
Panel 3: Thug 1: You filthy Wraith wh–
Panel 4
Castox: There is no need for rude language.
Panel 5
Fillyz: About time. Perfectly safe, eh?
Panel 6
Castox: You know, in a way he’s right. You are a traitor.
Fillyz: Doesn’t make me feel guilty. They deserve no better. They would’ve killed me.
Skin: Junk food again.
Phras: Oh yuck! When did these guys wash the last time?!
Panel 7
Castox: Sure. But they are humans like you.
Fillyz: Guess the difference. I stay alive and they don’t.
Castox: Are you sure you’re completely human? There’s no stray Wraith DNA in you?
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
Got here by accident and looking for page 1? -> Start reading here (chapter 2) or here (chapter 1).

Stargate: Atlantis further reading, links and resources
- WraithHiveship: Wraith artwork and literature community on deviantART.
- GateWorld: One of the best sources for everything Stargate.
- Wraith Defenders Club Project: Collection of links to Stargate actors’ websites and interesting blogs, includes a Wraith name list as compiled by members of the Wraith Defenders Club.
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