I felt it was necessary give Castox a small compensation for the trouble he has gone through. Although most of the trouble was his own fault.
Transcript available below
Click to expand transcript
Panel 1
Fillyz: Hold on to my waist.
Castox: Gulp.
Panel 2
Axe-wielding man: They won’t get away a second time! Mount the horses!
Panel 3
Fillyz: Obviously anatomy isn’t your strength either. That’s not my waist!
Castox: No but it feels nice. And you smell wonderful.
Panel 4
Fillyz: Keep your hands under control or I’ll throw you off the horse!
Castox: Then you needn’t jave bothered to save me. It was worth the try.
Panel 5
Fillyz: Make yourself useful and do something about the dogs!
Castox: Can’t this thing stop bouncing?! I can’t take aim here!
Fillyz: If this thing stopped bouncing we’d be dead!
Panel 6
Castox: Gotcha!
Panel 7
Castox: We’re being followed and they look seriously angry this time. I don’t think they’d buy your distraction a second time. Make this thing go faster!
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
Got here by accident and looking for page 1? -> Start reading here (chapter 2) or here (chapter 1).

Stargate: Atlantis further reading, links and resources
- WraithHiveship: Wraith artwork and literature community on deviantART.
- GateWorld: One of the best sources for everything Stargate.
- Wraith Defenders Club Project: Collection of links to Stargate actors’ websites and interesting blogs, includes a Wraith name list as compiled by members of the Wraith Defenders Club.
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