Needless to say Castox is not a morning person and the day will still get worse. Introducing on this page his hive colleague Skin. A Wraith with a special liking for emos.
Transcript available below
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Panel 1
Castox (telepathically): Great… The day just gets better and better.
Castox (aloud): Plorii? A few of us are already awake. I’d appreciate if you could just tell me what the stars is going on?!
Panel 2
Radio: We are sending you data on the current situation. It should be on your screen by now. You will understand soon.
Panel 3
Skin: Hey, Castox. What’s up?
Castox: We’re all gonna die.
Panel 4
Skin: Dude, that’s pulling me down. And before breakfast, too. I feel emotionally disappointed by you.
Panel 5
Castox: You’ve been feeding on emos again? I told you no emos before sleeping. They always make you feel queasy. Go make yourself useful now. Wake Madest, we’ll need a pilot. Oh… and wake her.
Panel 6
Skin: Her?! No! Not again! I did it last time. It was awful! Is it really necessary to wake her?
Castox: She is our queen, Skin. That makes her our leader – technically.
Panel 7
Skin: Alright, alright. I’m going. Life just isn’t fair.
Phras: Castox? We’ve got a problem.
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
Got here by accident and looking for page 1? -> Start reading here.

Stargate: Atlantis further reading, links and resources
- WraithHiveship: Wraith artwork and literature community on deviantART.
- GateWorld: One of the best sources for everything Stargate.
- Wraith Defenders Club Project: Collection of links to Stargate actors’ websites and interesting blogs, includes a Wraith name list as compiled by members of the Wraith Defenders Club.
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