

It’s that time of the year where everybody’s coming down with one sickness or other. I caught a darn cold which forced me to stay in bed four days and only slowly getting back to normal, blergh. So, to get to the point: I’m very sorry that I couldn’t get the next page of Hive 53 out to you as promised. It should’ve been online a week ago.

But. Though I wasn’t able to continue colouring it because I couldn’t sit up straight at the computer, I’ve been working on other wraithy stuff: more additional material for Hive 53 like detailed descriptions of the Hive and its inhabitants for everybody who wants to get more in-depth knowledge. The descriptions will get added illustrations of course, and there will be also more character sheets of the crew and worshippers. Writing all this is a lot of fun. Once I have a full set of descriptions to share, I’m going to post the link. Have a small taste of what’s to come:

The Hive
Quite small in comparison to other hiveships, this one makes up for its lack in size with a surplus in eccentric behaviour. For a hive, it’s still young and tends to play pranks on its inhabitants, like a sudden change in gravity when somebody’s in the swimming pool. Every Wraith on board who’s ever connected more deeply with the ship’s personality claims it to be full of mischief. Yet it’s generally friendly towards its crew and has never let them down in truly life-threatening circumstances, knowing that without its crew, life would be terribly boring.

It’s just a snippet but together with a collection of more texts, it may shed more light on the home of the whackiest Wraith of the galaxy.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!