Spring is back!


My favourite season has finally arrived! Yay! It means I can go for a walk with the dog in warmth and sunshine, and it means longer light in the evenings – perfect for late drawing and painting. Winter was exceptionally dark this time and I’m glad it’s finally over. Spring also means that FedCon is just around the corner! Can’t wait to go there and see my geeky family! A whole four days among people who understand, who care and who are just as weird as me.

Time to take stock of my cosplay and replace or repair worn parts. I really need to get a new wig, the old one is slightly green at places where make-up has rubbed off (it was my first make-up, some cheap stuff from a Halloween sale – never again!).

The newest page of Hive 53 is currently stuck in colouring. My family had two major birthday parties which meant lots of cake (yay!) but also less time to work on the page. So, the plan is, the new page will prolly hit the internet sometime next week. To make up for the delay, I can give you another snippet of the locations description:

The lab
No society can grow without scientists, this is also true for Wraithkind. So even on this hive there is a laboratory where keen minds can strive to untangle the fuzzy yarn ball of the mystery of the universe. The lab is equipped to be home to Wraith scientists of all disciplines. It seems rather an understatement that there is currently only one scientist awake but the commander is convinced that this safety measure reduces the risk of potential damage that scientific research tends do to the ship’s hull. On the downside, Sparks, the lonely resident scientist, has to fill in for all his colleagues in all disciplines. His schedule is therefore very tight since he also has to fill in as Master of Biological Science for Hive Maintenance aka “guy you call in the middle of the night to fix your heating”. The walls of th elab are enforced to withstand Sparks’ repeated attempts at mastering chemistry.

Take care and enjoy spring!