The 2016 Wraith Advent Calendar:
Click me, I’m wraithy!
The Wraith Advent Calendar will be available again this year! Thanks to Atlantisdesetoiles on deviantArt, the project has come back to life. The calendar still needs contributions! We need artwork, drawings, paintings, photo manips, cosplay photos, videos, fanfiction (up to one page A4), animated gifs… whatever you want to share as long as it’s PG rated and both wraithy and xmassy!
If you want to participate, please contact Atlantisdesetoiles on her dA account, or contact me here – I will then forward your message.
The Wraith Advent Calendar Project came to life in 2010 as a group project with contributors from many sites all around the internet. It was coordinated, coded and assembled by yours truly. It has been published in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, made possible by the wonderful support and fabulous contributions from kind people of all ages and artistic disciplines.
Traditionally, it was announced on WraithHiveship on deviantArt, each year in November to have a month-long headstart for incoming contributions. Everyone was invited to contribute, no matter if digital or traditional artwork, photomanipulation, craft, 3d artwork or fanfiction. If you enjoy diverse, Christmas-related works about the Wraith, please feel free to peruse the following sites as a reference of what the Calendar is all about.