Updating schedule, Tuesday and Friday

Trying to get a solid rhythm into updating this website. For some weeks now, there’s been a new picture or a blog post on Tuesdays and Fridays. This will work out for some time because I have enough content prepared for the coming weeks.

I was thinking of opening up a new blog category about living with ADHD as a late-diagnosed adult. How to get to terms with it and what can make life easier. It’s most of all, a personal insight into my journey with things I discover along the way. If you’re interested in general ADHD topics and related things, or have questions, leave me some feedback in the comments or by contact form.

As for pictures, in the coming weeks there will be more older stuff brought over from deviantArt mixed with newer stuff and commissions. There may also be the return of a certain hiveship crew in the future. I’ve experimented with different methods of digital shading in Photoshop for making my workflow more effecient. Combining both digital and analogue methods looks promising and brings a new look to the comic pages.

If painting/shading tutorials and art resources like swatches and brush sets are your cup of tea, I recommend browsing my collection of resources created by amazing artists on dA.

Thanks for reading and take care!


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