Old piece originally published on deviantArt. I’m in the process of bringing these over here because I no longer upload content on dA and have put my gallery there in storage. In the next weeks these older pieces will appear here, mixed with newer stuff.

Originally published in 2013 on deviantArt for a group contest of gg-x-lovers
This makes no sense at all, yet was tremendous fun to draw. All these glowy, shiny things…
Alternative title: Join the Misunderstood Villains Anonymous
The subject of the contest was to team Grievie up with anybody from SW or other fandoms, so naturally I went Wraith, and it was quite fun to draw badass Tox. And since I’m currently on a Darkwing Duck spree why not include Sparky as well? Those lightsabres of Grievie do have to be recharged from time to time, I guess.
Philosophically, these three aren’t strictly villains – at least they didn’t start out as such. And two of them have another thing in common: those oh-so-sexy-golden-eyes! And YAY me! I finished this in time for the deadline!
General Grievous belongs to Lucasfilm, Megavolt belongs to Disney, the Wraith as species belongs to MGM Television yet this particular guy is mine.
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