Kilai’s Arrival

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Old piece originally published on deviantArt. I’m in the process of bringing these over here because I no longer upload content on dA and have put my gallery there in storage. In the next weeks these older pieces will appear here, mixed with newer stuff.

Some years ago, there was an art role playing group called Hetherev. It was a fictional world where you could join by creating a character and pick some scenario as to why and how they come into the world. My faun character Kilai got there by accident. While trying out his latest invention, Kilai hits an enormous storm, with a hidden mysterious pathway to the world of Hetherev where he crashes, with no memory at all how he got there, who he is, or what the strange shattered things around him are.

The Arrival story

“Do you really think this is a good idea, Ki?” His sister asked as she helped Kilai carry his latest invention up the cliffs. “The last time you tried this thing out you broke an arm and a leg.” Kilai made a face at this particular memory. Yes, the last flight attempt hadn’t been successful at all – it had more been a spectacular fall. No need to think of that now. “Don’t you worry, I’ve adjusted and enlarged the wings. You’ll see, I will fly.” Looking up to the sky, his thoughts drifted towards the endless deep blue dappled with clouds. To fly like a bird, see the world from above, see the bigger picture… It had always been his dream, even though the others of his clan made fun of him for it. Checking for a last time the bindings of the wings, he strapped himself into the glider and gave his sister a last look before facing the abyss in front of him. With a shrug, she gave him a lopsided smile. “Good luck.”
Her smile was all he remembered when he launched himself from the cliff, squeezing his eyes shut… And, despite all his clan’s taunting, he flew…


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