Hive 53 Locations – hiveship and dart in space

Hive 53 Locations

The Hive

Quite small in comparison to other hiveships, this one makes up for its lack in size with a surplus in eccentric behaviour. For a hive, it’s still young and tends to play pranks on its inhabitants, like a sudden change in gravity when somebody’s in the swimming pool. Every Wraith on board who’s ever connected more deeply with the ship’s personality claims it to be full of mischief. Yet it’s generally friendly towards its crew and has never let them down in truly life-threatening circumstances, knowing that without its crew, life would be terribly boring.


The bridge of Hive 53 is different from other hives because the holographic navigation display has a couple of popular computer games integrated. During the long hours of boring hyperspace travel, crew members who are on duty can be seen playing strategic simulations like Age of Ancients or Atlantis Village. There are also some classical Jump`n`Run games like Super Wraith Brothers or Shoot’em ups like Genii Invaders. The database also holds a comprehensive collection of amusing videos featuring pranks among the crew, cuddly little furry creatures or – Silla’s favourites – lifestyle tips. In a niche opposite the main viewport there’s an outlet for hot beverages. Though the Wraith don’t need caffeine, they do enjoy a nice cup of coffee, tea or cocoa every now and then.

Throne Room

“What garish nightmare is this?!” These words were once uttered by a visiting Queen who promptly broke her allegiance and declared war upon Silla and her hive. This did not diminish Silla’s enthusiasm for interior design in the least. Obsessed with the latest life style news, she takes great care to follow all trends that a modern urban woman should follow. More often than her crew likes, she re-decorates parts of the hive. Or, more precisely, orders her drones to re-decorate. Since most drones are still in hibernation due to the known shortage of nutrition, this privilege is now bestowed upon the commander and his men, much to their dismay.


Corridors are highly effective in linking one room to another. This is not only true for human-made structures but also for Wraith hiveships. What makes these particular corridors so special is the variety of individuals you are bound to meet when walking along. Highly eccentric Wraith and worshippers, iratus bugs, a goathorse and other, less known, creatures are sauntering, trotting, crawling, hopping, dancing and slithering along with you. The hive (which is known for being mischievous at times) grows new corridors every now and then. Who knows who or what you may encounter there?

Flight Deck

Home to the fastest dart in the galaxy. The commander takes a lot of pride from the fact that he has achieved to make his space craft go faster than everybody else’s. There might be Wraith from other hives who could object to this claim but since they rarely meet, the commander can continue to live in his illusion. The other craft on the flight deck are more or less your ordinary run-of-the-mill darts, shuttles and one experimental flight device picked up from the people of Gelda.

Commander’s Quarters

What you expect to find in the rooms of the highest-ranking officer is a variety of things: likely computer, data pads, clothes – all neat and tidy, maybe the odd weapon and small items of personal belongings. What you do not expect is the utter chaos usually associated with single males of a certain age. E.g. women’s underwear draped casually across bits of furniture. Worn socks on the laptop. Or the obligatory pizza box, complete with a half-eaten pizza, peeking out from under the bed – even though the inhabitant doesn’t even eat. Once a year, the commander cleans his den up. Or was it once a century? For a Wraith, there’s not much difference.


No society can grow without scientists, this is also true for Wraithkind. So even on this hive there is a laboratory where keen minds can strive to untangle the fuzzy yarn ball of the mystery of the universe. The lab is equipped to be home to Wraith scientists of all disciplines. It seems rather an understatement, that there is currently only one scientist awake. The commander is convinced that this safety measure reduces the risk of potential damage that scientific research tends do to the ship’s hull.

On the downside, Sparks, the lonely resident scientist, has to fill in for all his colleagues in all disciplines. His schedule is therefore very tight since he also has to fill in as Master of Biological Science for Hive Maintenance aka “guy you call in the middle of the night to fix your heating”. The walls of the lab are reinforced to withstand Sparks’ repeated attempts at mastering chemistry.

Holding Cells

Not the most popular place for the human crew members. The temporary inhabitants of this section are a creepy mix of violently-aggressive criminals and poor souls who want to commit suicide. Skin is the hive’s expert in locating planets whose inhabitants are usually organised in dubious sects expecting the end of the universe in the immediate future. They are all too ready to take their own lives to avoid the rush. With a bit of persuation, however, these people can often be convinced to not throw their lives away in an act of pointless waste. They should rather commit suicide in a meaningful way by saving a hungry Wraith from starvation.

The astonishing high number of criminals comes from Fillyz’ ethic standards. “I value my own life very high but if you insist you must feed, I’m going to help you Cull. But I’ll only help you get people that nobody’s going to miss.” Not all humans are voluntarily here but well, … All living things must eat.

Worshipper’s Quarters

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The heart of the hive. Against common understanding of space travel, the bridge is not the most important room on this hiveship. The true life of the crew takes part in these rooms which are fully equipped with everything a human or a Wraith may wish for to amuse themselves. If you’re feeling lonely or bored, just come in and have a seat. Somebody will always be around to chat or simply to keep you company. If you are feelibg playful, there are various board games available, and books and a full HD holographic projector. And a ping-pong table. When he’s not in the kitchen or on the flight deck, you will most likely find Mad here, sitting quietly in a corner and knitting away at his latest yarn work.

Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
New to Hive 53? There’s a whole multi-chapter webcomic available.


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