Just one more page to color and I’m finished with chapter one! This project has been very rewarding so far. I like how the lighting turned out on this page. Although it has been a bit challenging when it comes to the lettering: How do you put into words the wonderful noise of a motor that refuses to start? I hope the solution I’ve come up with is understandable. May all your motors reliably start in the morning and all other times of the day!
Transcript available below
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Panel 1
starting engine fail noises end
Castox: Crud. Not again. Stop it. You’ll overstrain the starter.
Panel 2
Castox: Wait. I’ll just bridge that connection.
Skin: Tox? The last time you did that you got–
electric sprzzzzle noise
Skin: …zapped.
Panel 3
Tox: Ngrrrwwwr… Trrrrry again…
starting engine noise
Panel 4
Castox: Yay. Let’s hit the road.
Skin: What road, Tox?
Castox: The road inside your head leading to your brain, Skin. The one with the little sign saying “Under Construction”.
Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
Got here by accident and looking for page 1? -> Start reading here.
Stargate: Atlantis further reading, links and resources
- WraithHiveship: Wraith artwork and literature community on deviantART.
- GateWorld: One of the best sources for everything Stargate.
- Wraith Defenders Club Project: Collection of links to Stargate actors’ websites and interesting blogs, includes a Wraith name list as compiled by members of the Wraith Defenders Club.
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