What’s to come in 2015?


Have a happy new year, everybody! I hope 2015 will be filled with all good things you wish for.

What’s to come in 2015, artwise? Well, I certainly hope that time will permit me to continue with Hive 53 though updates may be a bit more rare. The same is true for all other sorts of personal artwork. Since I was asked to illustrate a couple of childrens’ story books (Yay!), this new exciting project will take up most of my creative time in the next months. But maybe I’ll be able to post little sketches in the progress so you can see what keeps me busy. 🙂

As a nerd, I’m very much looking forward to 2015’s convention timetable, especially FedCon is probably going to be a huge event this event this year. So, what you looking forward to? What is going to make 2015 awesome for you? Hold on to that thought and have a very good start into the new year!
