Unexpected Things


Unexpected 1: Broke my leg a couple of weeks ago and still can’t walk properly. But the doctor says it’s healing fine so I just have to be patient. These are the dangers of taking the dog out for a walk. On the upside, I got to be very productive knitting-wise because I couldn’t do much else. Made a sweater, 2 pairs of socks and legwarmers so far. More’s in the making.

Unexpected 2: Since I’m allowed to carefully move about again, I found that I could work a bit on the computer and doing a few comic pages. Only one’s coloured so far though and I told myself to only start publishing once I have a few more ready, so it’ll still take a while. To be honest, I’m having a massive art block concerning comic pages, so I won’t hold my breath for this. What comes forth, comes forth but I won’t put myself under any kind of pressure. Been there, done that.

Unexpected 3: I’ve had some truly wonderful news in January, news that made my fangirly self squee with delight. If all goes well, I’ll be able to contribute illustrations to some very cool book projects this year! Very geeky, nerdy fan stuff and I’m looking forward to this! Can’t share more at the moment but will do so.

Thanks for reading and take care!