Fillyz’ Diary, September 19th (earth time)

It’s been one of those mornings again. Woke up two hours before dawn and couldn’t get back to sleep, so decided to get up and watch the sunrise in the common room with a nice hot cup of tea.

It’s still the same boring sun rising behind the same boring, lifeless planet. We’re hiding here since over two weeks and it’s getting on my nerves. We’re almost out of tea, milk and fruit.

It’s time to drop by a civilised planet, get supplies and go shopping because I need a couple of new shirts as well – our last ‘business trip’ wasn’t the success we had hoped for. Spending two hours in the pouring rain, hiding in the mud and waiting for the angry mob to leave can really ruin your clothes – not to mention that it questions your decision to be a Wraith worshipper in the first place.

Oh, I so wish to have solid, planetary ground beneath my feet and breathe fesh air. And to have a decent distance between me and Tox. You’d think a whole darn hiveship is big enough for two persons to avoid one another, yet we meet at least three times a day. How big is the chance of running into him by mere accident at the worshippers swimming pool at the far end of the ship? I heavily suspect he is stalking me again, despite of what I did to him only a month ago.

I really, really want that other hiveship to hit the road. If we’re stuck here any longer I’ll go nuts and will strangle the first person dumb enough to do something silly – that’ll most likely be Tox.

What else to say? A ‘cippity-clop’ noise tells me Walter, the goathorse has just walked past the common room door. Hopefully he’s not sleepwalking again. The last time we found him fast asleep on the bridge with his head on a navigation terminal. Had he been there for a wee bit longer we’d have dropped out of hyperspace in the middle of enemy territory. I’d better go and check where he went.

Copyright Stargate: Atlantis / Wraith -> MGM television
Copyright Hive 53 all characters / drawing / story -> S. Kurt (Draco Stellaris)
New to Hive 53? There’s a whole multi-chapter webcomic available.


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